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Alpha Technical Education
25 Years of expertisation
(100% placement Records since 2006 onwards )

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Special Features:-
  • Regular online /offline classes Available Well compiled and Compact Module(notes) would be Provided .
  • Qualified and industrial experienced Faculty
  • New Ugc Pattern Course in Semester wise.
  • classes held in two shift wise 10 A.M.To 2 P.M and 2 P.M To 6 P.M
  • Courses are approved by Ugc Recognised State Private University or Govt. University from Delhi NCR
  • College Bag+ study Material+ Note Book Free
  • Full-time certificate course in autocad 2d and 3d course length is for 5-month divided into 6 modules.
  • Students can apply after completing 10+2 from any recognized board.
  • Regular exams will be taken with practical works
About Certificate Course in PHP Devlopment

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used server-side scripting language that is especially suited for web development. If you're interested in learning PHP development, there are various courses and resources available that can help you get started and advance your skills. Here's a general outline of what you might find in a typical PHP development course:

Here are some key aspects that a certificate course in PHP Development might cover:

  • Introduction to PHP:Understanding the basics of PHP syntax. Variables, data types, and operators. Control structures (if statements, loops).
  • Working with Forms and User Input:Handling form data with PHP. Form validation and security considerations.
  • PHP and Databases: Connecting to databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.). Executing SQL queries using PHP. CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
  • Object-Oriented PHP: Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP. Classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism.
Fee Structure:-
  • Total Course Fee:16,000(Ten Thousands only)
  • Semester:8000 x 2
  • Monthly:3200x5(Installment)
Complete Syllabus of Certificate Course in PHP Development
PHP Introduction Data Types, Operators
  • Web Applications and their types
  • Server side programming technologies and PHP
  • Platform Dependence , Independence & Portability
  • Interpreter based Execution Model of PHP
  • Installation of Xampp/Lampp Server
  • Setting path of PHP
  • Syntax of PHP script
  • Executing Hello world application of PHP
  • integers , string, floating numbers, Booleans , arrays etc.
  • PHP Variables and Constants
  • Imporatnt Rules for declaring PHP variables
  • User-defined Constants
  • String constants, variable interpolation into strings
  • Assignment Operators
  • Implementing Is-A relation using InheritanceRelational (Comparison) Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Default Operator
  • Operators precedence and associatively
Conditional Statements Loops & Control Statements
  • If statement
  • If-else statement
  • If, else if, else statement
  • Nested if statement
  • Switch case statement
  • Ternary operator
  • Assignment to apply conditional statements
  • While loop
  • Do While loop
  • For loop
  • Nested loops
  • Goto, Break, Continue and Exit keywords
  • Assignment to apply loops and control statements.
Loops & Control Statements Cont.... Functions in PHP
  • Nested While loop
  • Nested Do While loop
  • Nested For loop
  • Patterns
  • Function as reusable components
  • Defining a Function
  • Calling a Function
  • Passing arguments to a function
  • Returning a value from a function
  • use of include(), include_once(), require() and require_once() library function
  • Assignment to apply functions
Advance Function Concepts Arrays
  • Default Arguments
  • Difference b/w argument passing by value and by reference
  • Defining and using Recursive functions
  • Assignment to apply advance function concepts
  • Understanding array as a collection of values
  • Defining an array
  • Accessing array elements using index
  • Initializing array
  • Using array() function for creating array
  • Obtaining the size of an array
  • Traversing array elements using while & for loop
  • Using for each loop for traversing array elements
  • Use of list() and each() functions in traversing array
  • Assignment to use arrays
Two dimensional Arrays Associative Arrays
  • Understanding an associative array
  • Defining an associative array
  • Initializing an associative array
  • Accessing elements of an associative array using => operator
  • Traversing elements of associative array
  • Creating a Mulit dimensional array
  • Assignment to use associative arrays
  • Sorting array using sort(), rsort(), asort(), arsort(), usort(), and uksort()
  • Use of array_key_exists(), array_keys(), array_values(), array_diff_key() functions
  • Use of array_push(), array_pop(), array_shift(), array_replace(), array_slice() and array_walk() functions
  • Use of in_array(), current(), next(), prev(), reset() functions
  • Assignment to use array functions
  • Use of single & double quotes in representing Strings
  • Use of basic string functions strlen(), substr(), strcmp(), and str_replace()
  • Use of trimming functions trim(), ltrim(), and rtrim()
  • Use of case changing functions strtolower(), strtoupper(), ucwords(), ucfirst(), and lcfirst()
  • Use of position finding functions strpos(), strrpos(), and strstr()
  • use explode() and implode() functions
  • use of printf(), sprintf(), and sscanf()
  • Assignment to use String functions
  • Request Response Model of HTTP
  • Type of HTTP requests
  • Difference b/w Get & Post Requests
  • Basic HTML elements html, head, body, title and form
  • HTML Input elements text, radio, select, button, submit, textarea, and hidden
  • New HTML 5 Input elements email, number, range, and url
  • Use of $_GET, $_POST, and $_REQUEST global variables
  • Web based assignment to submit input forms having different type of input controls and request type
Introduction to CSS State Management
  • CSS basics
  • Applying inline & external css styles
  • Defining css classes, elements, ids and applying them in html pages
  • Understanding stateless nature of HTTP
  • Maintaining user state using $_COOKIE global variable
  • Maintaining user state using $_SESSION global variable
  • Maintaining user state using hidden form fields
  • Maintaining user state using parameter appending to url
  • Assignment to apply all the state management methods
Reading & Writing data from files Interacting with File System
  • Need of File System interaction
  • Creating directory using mkdir() function
  • Removing directory using rmdir() funciton
  • Removing files using unlink() function
  • Renaming files and directory rename() function
  • Use of opendir(), readdir(), scandir() and closedir() functions
  • Use of is_file(), is_directory() and chmod() functions
  • Assignment to perform file system operations
  • Use of basename(), realpath() functions
  • Use of __FILE__ and __DIR__ magic constants
  • Reading csv files using fgetcsv() function
  • File uploading & downloading
File System based Mini Project MySql basic
  • Creating links of directories
  • Uploading files and creating their links
  • Deleting & downloading files using links
  • Renaming Files & Folders using their links
  • Introduction to RDBMS Package
  • Use of phpMyAdmin as interface of MySql
  • Creating, removing and managing user accounts
  • Creating, removing and managing databases
  • Understanding different types of Storage engines Innodb, MyISAM, CSV etc
  • Creating, altering and removing Tables
  • Performing Insert, update, delete and select operations on the table
  • Importing & Exporting database and tables
  • Assignment to use phpMyAdmin for managing users, databases and tables
MySql PHP Connectivity Advance MySql PHP Connectivity Concepts
  • mysql PHP library as means of database connectivity
  • Use of mysql_connect(), mysql_select_db(), mysql_query(), and mysql_fetch_array(),
  • mysql_fetch_assoc(), mysql_fetch_object(), mysql_close(), mysql_free_result() functions
  • Exeucting DML (insert, update, delete, & select) queries from PHP
  • Exeucting DDL (create, alter, & drop) queries from PHP
  • Assignment to perform DDL & DML operations
  • Executing queries in batches for improving performance
  • Executing transactions, committing and rolling back
  • Using limits for selecting records
  • Using joins for selecting records from multiple tables
  • Assignment to perform DDL & DML operations
Advance MySql queries Obtaining database meta data in PHP
  • Use of group by, having, and oder by clauses in select queries
  • Use of between, in, like in select queries
  • Use of aggregate functions count(), max(), min(), avg() in select queries
  • Use of nested queries
  • Assignment to perform use of these concepts in PHP applications
  • Use of mysql_fetch_field(), mysql_num_fields(), mysql_num_rows(), mysql_field_name(), mysql_field_type(), mysql_filed_table(), mysql_field_len() functions
  • Use of mysql_db_name(), mysql_list_dbs(), mysql_list_tables(), mysql_list_fields()
  • Use of mysql_insert_id(), mysql_get_client_info(), mysql_get_host_info() and mysql_get_proto_info(), mysql_get_server_info() functions
  • Assignment to perform use of these concepts in PHP applications
Working with MySqli & PDO A mini project using database
  • mysqli & PDO PHP library as means of database connectivity
  • Prepared statements
  • Stored procedures & Functions
  • A mini web site having user registration, login, view profile, edit profile, logout in user interface
  • View Users, edit user details and delete users in admin interface
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